Below are some new or newly discovered books that I've added to my vast haunted library. I recently had a troubling conversation with a friend who said that people don't care about buying books anymore. I mean sure, I read most novels on Audible, but I still buy every Halloween book I can get my hands on. Halloween, paranormal and entertaining books pop up every year, and while it may be more of trickle, books are still around!
For the Paranormal Shelf
I love wondering though Powell's Books in Portland. I always find the oddest treasures without even trying, like these three books. One is about ghosts, one is about a man who's near-death experience sent him through hell, and the other is about demonic entities lurking about.
Weird Ghosts: True Tales of the Eeriest Legends and Hair-Raising Hauntings Across America by Joanne Austin, Mark Moran, et al.
A Guided Tour of Hell: A Graphic Memoir by Samuel Bercholz
Paranormal Parasites by Nick Redfern

For the Occult Shelf
I decided early in the pandemic to undergo a study of Tarot and finally found a deck that I truly connected with. I am no witch, but love the idea of divination. So far I've been able to give a fairly well-received readings to others, but none for myself. Maybe that's the way it's supposed to be.
The Modern Witchcraft Book of Tarot: Your Complete Guide to Understanding the Tarot by Skye Alexander
The Ultimate Guide to Tarot: A Beginner's Guide to the Cards, Spreads, and Revealing the Mystery of the Tarot by Liz Dean
The Halloween Oracle: Lifting the Veil between the Worlds Every Night Cards by Stacey Demarco and Jimmy Manton

For the Metaphysical Shelf
The pandemic has really forced me to look inward and I'm finding some great insight there I didn't know. One of these books declared that in every Mexican family there is a brujo or bruja (witch). I ask my mom and she said, no, and nothing that ridiculous was true.... except for my great great aunt who was a bruja. In decades of knowing I love this topic, it never came up?!
American Brujeria: Modern Mexican-American Folk Magic by J. Allen Cross
Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe by Laura Lynne Jackson
Initiated: Memoir of a Witch by Amanda Yates Garcia

For the Halloween Shelf
Let's celebrate Halloween with three spectacular books, decades in the making. From The Michell Family who has collected their greatest projects into two gorgeous hardcover books, to an overview of Halloween music, to the mistress of the dark, Elvira, who has finally written her autobiography!
Best of How to Haunt Your House: More than 25 Scary DIY Projects for Parties and Halloween Displays (Volume 1 & 2) by Lynne Mitchell and Shawn Mitchell
Graveyard Groove: The Haunted History of Monster Music from "Monster Mash" to Horror Punk by David Acord
Yours Cruelly, Elvira: Memoirs of the Mistress of the Dark by Cassandra Peterson

For the Entertaining Shelf
Another year is going by and another missed opportunity to host any kind of party. But that doesn't mean I can't prepare for future parties. These great books have fun and wicked food projects that seem fairly doable.
Disney Villains: Devilishly Delicious Cookbook by Julie Tremaine
WitchCraft Cocktails: 70 Seasonal Drinks Infused with Magic & Ritual by Julia Halina Hadas
The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Official Cookbook & Entertaining Guide by Kim Laidlaw, Jody Revenson , et al.
Spooky Food: 80 Fun Halloween Recipes for Ghosts, Ghouls, Vampires, Jack-o-Lanterns, Witches, Zombies, and More by Cayla Gallagher
