Winter is done and so is my yearly sabbatical from social media, the blog, and Halloween site. After a busy Halloween 2021 season, the yuletide holidays coupled with the ongoing pandemic forced me into an extended hibernation for a looooonng and cold winter’s nap.
This is the time when I recharge and get new fiendish ideas for the year ahead and dive deep into horror movies and series. Sadly, this year has been devoid of much noteworthy horror on the screen (yet the horror of real life war rages on). By March of last year, I had seen three of the “best of” films for the year. Maybe film distributors are banking on theatrical runs now that health mandates are easing. But with prices soaring and having a taste of first-run movies at home, will theaters make a full comeback?
I also reached a milestone birthday this past February and things look different on this side of the hill. After a two-year cycle of working from home, spring seems to be full of optimistic possibilities like a return to campus and seeing students and colleagues on a regular basis (which I really miss), a Halloween convention or two, and the promise of a maskless life. (We’ll finally be joining Texas and Florida where Covid never happened!)
So what’s ahead? My website is getting more personal and I’ve made adjustments throughout to streamline the content and navigation, plus I’m sharing more of my own personal stories. Production is already underway for my Halloween 2022 display. This includes a gothic fence based on a Stolloween tutorial that’s been on my To-Do list for years. Unfortunately, I waited until wood and PVC pipes were at an all-time high cost. And finally, I’m booked for a return to Midsummer Scream in Long Beach, CA this summer. I think it’s going to be a good year.